A Look Into August 2019

We are in the middle of Shark Week, and based on my play as of late, I definitely want to hammer my head against a wall.  I may need to watch more content from our local shark, aptly going by the alias Fins.  John’s other product you would want to look into is Chessable, with a great learning model for tactics and strategy.  And for those that are fearful of going second, looking for an opening against the Great White, Chessable excels in this too.

A special thanks to those to were at the initial Castle Scholastic in July.  We will kick off August with another one this Saturday.  The Shark Week Scholastic will be very similar in format.  Team based like last time, and also an Open [Waters] section for anyone to enter.  Another addition to this will be an evening Barracuda Blitz that will start around 5:30.  Many have seen this, and there is still plenty of time to sign up for it!

This will be a great initial tournament to one of the premier events that many have been looking forward to in the Summer, the Twin Ports Open.  It has always been my pleasure to promote this on behalf of the Twin Ports Chess Club for its 8th year.  While the venue has changed, there has been numerous efforts to make number eight, truly great.  There will even be a frenzy of titled players headlining that weekend, including John Bartholomew.

The Castle will also hold an “End of Summer” tournament, which can be found on the Chess Castle site as well.  This has been your Look Into August for 2019.  Thank you for your time.